Attention to Users from Whatsapp | Adana Sahne Medya

WhatsApp has become a tool that most people actively use every minute, both for their social relationships and for their work. As such, the application has also become a target for hackers, and a vulnerability that could take control of the application was discovered through a message. As Sahne Medya, we closely follow the traps and opportunities that await us in the digital world and share them with you. Here is the trap made via WhatsApp…

The danger of losing your account in WhatsApp, an application that is under the umbrella of Facebook, a giant social media entity and extremely popular all over the world, is not small at all. Moreover, this danger is as close as clicking on a link or sending a code.

A British newspaper has announced a new method that hackers have found to steal and take over people’s WhatsApp accounts. According to the news, hackers send WhatsApp users a message containing a six-digit code. The message includes the following: “Hello, sorry I accidentally sent you a six-digit code, can you please send me back the code?” If this message is accompanied by an SMS with a link to “verify your account”.

If you send the code sent to you via WhatsApp to the number that sent you the message or click on the link in the SMS, it is easy for hackers to take over your account. After hackers steal your account, they continue the chain by sending this message to everyone in your contact list.

Facebook has not yet made a statement on the issue following the news.

If you are curious about other developments regarding the WhatsApp application, you can check out the following news on the Sahne Medya blog page:

Stage Media

Stage Media

07-06-2021 07:51:32

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