Good News for Instagram Users | Adana Sahne Medya

Instagram, a social media application that has been increasing its popularity exponentially in recent years, is generally used on smartphones, but there are still people who use it from desktops. Instagram administrators have announced a new development for desktop users.

Instagram has become an indispensable part of our lives. For some of us, it’s communication, for some, it’s entertainment, and for some, it’s part of our work.

Instagram, which develops new features every day with innovative ideas, is preparing to launch a highly anticipated feature on the desktop version soon. Just like on mobile devices, the desktop version will now also feature a post sharing function.

We Can Now Create Posts on Desktop Version

Instagram, which attaches great importance to the mobile version since most of its users connect via mobile devices, has recently started to show the same interest in the desktop version. As understood from some reports in the foreign press, Instagram will soon activate the ability to edit and share posts for the desktop.

Instagram is testing this feature for its desktop version, and it will work almost the same way as it does on mobile. According to the rumor, Instagram users will now be able to drag and drop photos and videos onto their desktops. At the same time, some settings will allow tools such as cropping photos, applying filters, and tagging location information to become available.

The exact date when this innovation, which users who insist on using the desktop version have been waiting for a long time, will be implemented is unknown. The beta version of the feature is in the testing phase and opinions are that this innovation will be implemented in a few months.

If you want to be informed about the developments regarding the Instagram application, the editors of Sahne Medya have prepared, You can also check out the news.

Stage Media

Stage Media

10-06-2021 08:58:01

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