Whatsapp Takes a Step Back! | Adana Sahne Medya

Sahne Medya continues to be your most reliable solution partner in web design, social media management, SEO consultancy and social media advertising, as well as your eyes and ears in the digital world. WhatsApp, owned by Facebook, one of the most popular messaging applications, made a move that drew great reaction from its users in Turkey. This move, which was expected to make it mandatory to share personal data, received great backlash from users. The intensity of the reaction was such that WhatsApp had to postpone this decision several times, and the expected good news finally came.

The Competition Authority announced that the update, which makes the sharing of personal data mandatory, will not be implemented for any users in Turkey, including users who have approved it.

The Competition Authority had made some efforts after the data theft discussions emerged regarding this new update, and these efforts finally yielded results. First, the Competition Authority launched an investigation and received a defense from WhatsApp executives. Then, WhatsApp informed the institution that this new agreement would not be implemented for any users in Turkey.

As of January, WhatsApp announced that it would share some information about its users with Facebook and thus generate revenue for the application. However, this initiative was met with protests from WhatsApp users all over the world, especially in our country.

WhatsApp first asked us to accept by February 8, and used threatening language, saying that if we did not accept, our data flow would be slowed down and then our use of the application would be completely blocked.

This caused panic among many WhatsApp users around the world. And people started to install other alternative applications on their phones at a rapid pace. Thereupon, WhatsApp took decisions that were like a step back several times and postponed the contract. Finally, it gave a deadline of May 15.

WhatsApp Notified Competition Authority That It Was Taking a Step Back

The Competition Authority immediately launched an investigation following public outcry and prevented the new contract from entering into force by implementing measures during this period. During this period, users continued to use WhatsApp, but did not neglect to install alternative messaging applications. At this point today, the struggle of users and the activities of the Competition Authority have yielded positive results. The new contract will not cover users in Turkey.

The Competition Authority made its decision in light of the information and documents requested from Facebook and WhatsApp officials while the investigation was ongoing. However, WhatsApp announced that it had abandoned this new contract that it had made mandatory within the borders of Turkey. It also announced that this contract would be invalid for those who had previously approved the contract.

It is still a matter of curiosity whether this development, which went down in history as a victory for users regarding the privacy of personal information, which has become one of the most important issues today, will set a precedent for other countries.

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Stage Media

Stage Media

22-05-2021 00:20:32

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